
Resarch & Deveropment

Our areas of research and development go beyond fermented food to include industrial applications of fermentation such as bioenergy and new material development, space exploration and ethics, historical research, the built environment, community development, future insight and social change, all in the pursuit of a better cultural life through faith in human creativity.



Report & Archive

We will report on a diverse range of research results, with fermentation technology at the core, and archive them with various experts. We hope that these reports will trigger individual creativity and give rise to a variety of projects around the world.



Cross-cutting Initiatives & The Search for Specialised Teams

We use the core technology of fermentation to collaborate with specialist teams from other industries to deliver innovative products and services that think outside the box. We are looking for people to collaborate with in order to achieve our ideal future.



Healthy & Cultural Life

A range of products created by new technology and cross-sectional research using Viamver®︎ yeast. We hope that these products will support a healthy and cultured life.
