Resarch & Deveropment

Fermented foods produce and utilize specific components from the metabolic pathway of bacteria. The various components are regarded as stars, and countless components are associated with the starry sky. The fermentation mechanism is associated with celestial bodies, such as the operation of constellations and ordered planets based on the coordination and metabolic pathways between the components. In addition, the discovery of new species and the establishment of their manufacturing methods have become astronomical figures, similar to the discovery of new planets. For this reason, I would like to name and develop the ancient Greek of the universe, “ASTRONOMICA®︎”, for the research team and its products.

Our areas of research and development go beyond fermented food to include industrial applications of fermentation such as bioenergy and new material development, space exploration and ethics, historical research, the built environment, community development, future insight and social change, all in the pursuit of a better cultural life through faith in human creativity. The team includes a diverse range of professionals such as researchers, chefs, artists, curators, architects, editors and tea masters.

“ASTRONOMICA®︎” is written by Latin poet Marx Manilius in the 1st century AD. Manirius saw the universe as a “work of divine will”, with divine power spreading to every corner. The universe was moving by God’s will, and he thought that he was God himself.





“ASTRONOMICA®︎”とは、紀元1世紀のラテン詩人マルクス・マニリウスの著作。マニリウスは、宇宙をその隅々まで神的な力が行き渡った 「神的意志の作品」として捉えていました。宇宙が神の意志によって運動していて、さらにそれ自体が神であると考えていたのです。


“Marx Manilius” from Astrowiki