ASTRONOMICA® Shows the World the Potential of Japanese Fermented Foods

WRITER:Malika Groen
Fermentation experiments with Viamver® yeast


ASTRONOMICA® and Viamver®

ASTRONOMICA® is the name of the in-house research team of Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery, which has been brewing natural products for 150 years in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, a place blessed with abundant water sources, nature, and heavy snowfall in winter.

Yamamo has long been a favorite brewery of the local community, preserving the traditional taste of miso and soy sauce in Akita.

Even today, the taste and techniques have been passed on by the craftsmen who have been supporting the brewery for many years, and they continue to provide a stable taste to home kitchens.

It was a brewery that maintained the “usual taste” demanded by Japan, as well as the so-called “classic” miso and soy sauce breweries generally expected by the world.

However, when the seventh generation, Yasushi Takahashi, took over the family business, the business began to take a new turn.

The discovery of a unique and rare yeast strain that had been lying dormant in the brewery for many years was one of the main reasons why the brewery continued to maintain its traditional flavor.

The yeast is called Viamver® yeast (Zygosaccharomyces rouxii).

This yeast, with its unique characteristics, was presented by Yamamo at the 2020 Japan Society of Brewing Research, and is now named Viamver® yeast, for which Yamamo has applied for a patent for both its existence and production method as its own brewery yeast strain.









その酵母を、Viamver®(ヴィアンヴァー)酵母(Zygosaccharomyces rouxii)、という。


The fourth generation Mosuke Takahashi


The Environment Surrounding Miso and Soy Sauce Breweries

Why is this yeast so special? What is Yamamo trying to do with it?

When it comes to the global positioning of Japan’s miso and soy sauce products, the word “tradition” is unquestionably attached to them no matter where they are sold.

The word is genuinely admired and revered both at home and abroad, and it is expected to be preserved unchanged.

This is where the seventh generation posed his own question.

Japan’s fermented and brewed seasonings still have infinite potential.

Even the Japanese people are satisfied with being familiar with some of them, and do not imagine that there may be more.

The familiar taste is delicious, and that is a given. It is not a negative thing.

However, even though Japanese fermented and brewed seasonings are now spreading all over the world, and their value is being reevaluated domestically as well, it is becoming more and more difficult for a single brewery to survive as an industry.

Why is that?

This is the reason why Takahashi VII has set his eyes on the new potential of Japanese fermentation, which until now has been buried in secrecy like a treasure trove and has never been explored.

There are countless types of traditional Japanese fermented and brewed seasonings, and the final taste of each brewery is determined by the complexity of its flavors.

In order to make the final product tastier, or to make it taste the same, the ingredients are analyzed and the brewing process is reexamined, but there is still very little research in Japan to apply this to other brews that are completely different.

This is because, as mentioned above, it is a rare idea, and also because there are simply not enough breweries that have the time and energy to explore it.

Traditional flavors are now having a hard time just surviving.

As the seventh generation looked at these issues from the perspective of the industry as a whole, he had an encounter with Viamver® yeast.

Perhaps it would be better to call it a reunion.

This yeast was found in the miso that Yamamo has been brewing for many years.




















Magnified micrographs of fungi collected from Shikomi-gura


Discovery of Viamver® Yeast

Normally, yeast strains used in miso brewing are halophilic, meaning that they thrive in the presence of salt.

However, Viamver® yeast is different.

This yeast is not only halophilic, but is also able to live and work vigorously in the absence of salt, and is capable of producing nearly 6% alcohol.

It was also confirmed that it has the ability to produce a high level of succinic acid, which is related to umami, as well as a gorgeous aroma similar to that of fruit and ginjo.

Why was this kind of bacteria found?

This discovery was made after the seventh generation took over the family business and conducted a series of unorthodox experiments, using bacteria used outside the industry and applying technology from other industries.

In the 10th year of his research, he discovered the bacteria in a test brew of miso.

This is a bacterium that he would never have encountered if he had continued to produce miso using the same method.

In addition, even if it has excellent efficacy, if it is a killer yeast that kills others, it cannot be used.

Thus, the probability of finding useful bacteria is very low and difficult.

Up to this point, in the second year of the experiment, the seventh generation achieved 6% alcohol production from miso (normally less than 3%).

This led VII to realize the usefulness of this fungus for more than just miso and soy sauce, and he asked experts in alcoholic beverages and lactic acid bacteria to analyze and verify the results, as well as to conduct multifaceted verification using his own unique approach, including salt-free conditions and the use of fruits, nuts, and mushrooms unrelated to miso and soy sauce.

In order to make infinite use of this encounter with a fungus with a new character, we are not only applying this yeast to miso and soy sauce, but are also using it to brew natural wine and exploring new seasoning prototypes.
















Innovative Moromi-gura for fermentation tests


Thoughts of the Seventh Generation

If you are familiar with astronomy, you may immediately imagine that ASTRONOMICA® is a name that means the ancient universe.

Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery is located in the snowy Tohoku region. It is located in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture, not far from Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, where Kenji Miyazawa, an Iwate Prefecture poet, researcher, and farmer, was born 125 years ago (six years after Van Gogh’s death).

In Iwate, there is a strong wind called Yamase, which does not allow for good growth of grain. Kenji wrote stories as a dreamy pastime for the farmers who continued to work in such a harsh land, and as a researcher, he investigated celestial bodies and minerals to make people as rich as possible.

ASTRONOMICA® was inspired by Kenji’s life’s work of discovering minerals, and was named after the research team at Yamamo Miso and Soy Sauce Brewery, who were exploring unknown territory, based on the image of discovering a new planet.

Kenji’s images of celestial bodies and the underground are directly connected to the pioneering spirit of the Tohoku region, and as a person from the same region, I can relate to that spirit,” said the seventh generation.

Kenji was a scientist with a background in science, but he also wrote novels and children’s stories as a poet, and science-related terms such as minerals and elements are frequently found in his works.

Kenji played with stones and plants, learned about nature through agriculture and chemistry, and stayed close to people’s hearts by writing songs and fairy tales with a strong sense of faith.

Viamve® yeast is also named after a star and a mineral, inspired by the fact that succinic acid, the umami ingredient produced by this fungus, was discovered in the ground.

Z. rouxii, to which the Viamver® yeast belongs, is considered a spoilage fungus in wine, but by continuing its rational exploration without being bound by conventional values, ASTRONOMICA® has created the world’s first rouxii-fermented wine.

My desire to use ideas, philosophies, and imaginary worlds as motifs in the expression of my new fermentation possibilities may be due to the fact that the background of enduring harsh winters is connected to the ideas of our ancestors on the same land.

I believe that the world would be more interesting and richer if everyone could develop based on the history, climate, and thought systems that remain in the land.

I want to use the ideas and philosophies of the land as our identity, and develop our individuality from the local Tohoku region to the world.

The challenge of Team ASTRONOMICA® continues.

















Marika Groen
Organizer of Malica ferments and researcher in Koji

While traveling around Europe and Japan, she shares the philosophy of Kojiology (Koji theory) as a philosophy for living, and is searching for a way to express and communicate from the senses. He teaches a wide range of people, from chefs to housewives, about fermentation and how to live with fermentation. Once a year, she organizes a tour of Japanese breweries and satoyama to take overseas students for training. During her stay in Japan, she travels around the country to visit breweries, learn about tradition, fermentation, and art, and brings the information back to Europe to spread the word. She is a mold artist and photographer.


Marika Groen
Malica ferments主催、麴学研究家

欧州と日本を中心に旅しながらKojiology (コージオロジー、麴学、あるいは麴論)を生きるための哲学として共有し、感覚からの表現、伝達手段を模索中。シェフから主婦まで幅広く糀・味噌・醤油などの発酵教室を行い、暮らしの中の発酵、発酵する生き方を伝える。年に一度は日本の蔵見学、里山ツアーなどを企画し海外の生徒を研修に連れて廻る。日本滞在時には蔵見学、伝統、発酵、アートをテーマに全国を移動し、落とし込んだ情報を欧州に持ち帰り伝達と浸透につとめる。黴アーティスト、カメラマン。