WINERY:Domaine Chaud
The vineyards of Domaine Chaud


The inspiration for Viamver® Wine

After discovering that Viamver® yeast, a patent-pending microorganism found in Yamamo’s naturally brewed miso, can grow without salt and has the ability to produce alcohol, we had been thinking about making wine with this yeast organism.

However, there is no precedent in the world for making wine from miso-derived yeast, and they were looking for a winery that could provide a session-like brewing experience for the unknown fungus.

Mr. Kobayashi of Domaine Chaud, who I had worked with in the past as a speaker at events, experienced the field of Viamver® yeast fermentation liquid research and shared with me a more concrete image of Viamver® Wine, “making wine like steamed clams with sake,” and we decided to proceed with the project.

In the meantime, German chef Jonas joined the ASTRONOMICA® research and development team, and we were able to create a Viamver® yeast course with a mix of Western and Eastern styles, as well as implement alcoholic and non-alcoholic pairings.

The goal was to add Viamver® Wine, a yeast wine unique to the company, to this course to complete the table with a single fungus.

Many layers and connections were made, and the VIAMVER® WINE PROJECT will be launched during the 2020 grape harvest.


Viamver® Wineの着想



過去のイヴェント登壇でご一緒したDomaine Chaud(ドメーヌ・ショオ)の小林氏にViamver®酵母発酵液の研究の現場を経験していただき「アサリの酒蒸しのようなワインを造る」という、より具体的なViamver® Wineのイメージを共有し、プロジェクトを進めることを決めた。


このコースに自社特有の酵母ワインViamver® Wineを加え、一つの菌によるテーブルを完成させることを目的にした。

多くの積み重ねと縁が繋がり、2020年のブドウの収穫の時期にVIAMVER® WINE PROJECTを開始することとなった。

Chef Jonas from Germany


Visit Domaine Chaud

Together with our staff, we brought a full six-course meal of Viamver® yeast and Jonas to Mr. Kobayashi to be prepared on site.

Since the tasting took place at the winery, Mr. Kobayashi began pairing the wine with the dish, including matching the wine that was being brewed from the tank, to share the image of the finished product.

He also held many meetings, including tasting the grapes themselves in the vineyard and visiting other wineries, to understand the characteristics of the product, such as making the most of the wild yeast and adjusting the way the finish of the product changes depending on the quality of the grapes.

In order to make the most of the flavor and aroma created by the live Viamver® yeast, we realized the live and session-like realm of pairing the chef’s cuisine, which organically changes its finish on the spot, with Kobayashi’s wine, which is brewed according to the wild yeast and raw grapes.


Domaine Chaudの元へ





Viamver® yeast culture medium


Leaning on Wild Yeasts and Food

Each of the two grapes was prepared with and without Viamver® yeast, so that the wine was vinified in a total of four wooden barrels.

The Viamver® yeast produces up to 6% alcohol, so by using this yeast for the first fermentation and then using wild yeast for the second fermentation, we succeeded in producing a natural wine of 11.5% alcohol.

The wine has a gorgeous aroma of grapes and a sweetness with a hint of umami, which makes it easy to match with food without getting bored.

It will be interesting to see how the wine develops in different environments.

The VIAMVER® WINE PROJECT is an unprecedented food innovation, creating wine from a fungus derived from miso.

The project will be completed in the spring of 2021 and named PROSLOGION.







味噌由来の菌からワインを創り上げるという、これまでにない食の革新的なVIAMVER® WINE PROJECT。




PROSLOGION is a treatise by Anselmus (1033-1109), a medieval European philosopher and theologian who has been called the “father of scholasticism” and who influenced Kant and Descartes.

He admonished both the attitude of relying on the authority of the Bible and neglecting rational inquiry based on faith alone, and the attitude of opposing faith based on rational inquiry, and advocated the attitude that believers should start from faith and search for the basis of their own belief (ratio fidei) without relying on the authority of the Bible.

Z. rouxii, to which the Viamver® yeast belongs, is considered a spoilage fungus in wine. This is the world’s first wine made with rouxii, born from a rational exploration of yeast without being bound by conventional values. It has a fresh taste that accompanies meals.



PROSLOGION(プロスロギオン)は中世ヨーロッパの哲学者、神学者Anselmus (1033-1109)の論文。Anselmusは「スコラ学の父」と呼ばれ、カントやデカルトに影響を与える。

聖書の権威に依拠し、信仰のみで理性的探求を軽んじる態度、および理性的探求に立脚し、信仰に異議を唱える態度の双方を諌め、信仰から出発した上で、信じる者が自己の信の根拠(ratio fidei)を、聖書の権威に頼ることなく探求するという姿勢を提唱した。


Name: Fruit wine
Ingredients: Grapes (from Japan)
Contents: 750ml
Alcohol content: 11.5%
Nitrite free
No fining, no filtration


External Review
Lastage | One star French restaurant, Amsterdam

  • A taste like nothing I’ve ever tasted before
  • Smells like sherry
  • Smells like yuzu
  • I can taste the most koji from the wine.
  • I can use it in many dishes.
  • It tastes a little like apple, which gives me ideas for cooking.
  • It is different from the wines available in Europe, but it has a peculiar taste.


Lastage | 一つ星フレンチレストラン, アムステルダム

  • 今までに味わったことのない味
  • シェリーみたいな香り
  • 柚子みたいな香り
  • ワインから一番麹の味わいがする
  • 料理に色々使えそう
  • 少しリンゴのような味わいもあり料理のアイデアがわく
  • 欧州で出回っているワインとは違うが、クセになる味わいがある
“Anselmus” from wikipedia



Domaine Chaud
since2011 Niigata

The most important thing to remember when making wine is to “let nature take its course. We put the individuality of the grapes first, letting them flow as they should, and watching their progress until they become wine. We don’t try to fit the wine into a box, but help the grapes become what they want to be. What I try to do is not to mess with the wine too much. I think the only thing I can do is control the temperature and oxygen. However, I believe that the management of temperature and oxygen is the most important and difficult part of winemaking. We are constantly worrying and studying about this control. We believe that naturally made wine is gently soaked and full of freshness and flavor.


Domaine Chaud
since2011 新潟
