Terroir Linked to The Brewery

WRITER:Malika Groen
Minase River


Flavour of The Land

We recently had a sample tasting with a chef in Amsterdam, who first tasted the miso and white broth, and then the ASTRONOMICA® products, and he said: “You say that this is a different series from ASTRONOMICA, but this miso has the same aroma that runs through all the products. There is an aroma that runs through the whole range.

In Europe, local products such as cheeses and wines have the same ‘local’ flavour, and so do YAMAMO products. When he said this, I was struck by the same thing.

I wanted to visit Yamamo Brewery because I enjoyed all the different types of miso I tasted during my visit, as well as the white dashi and other seasonings I took home, and also because they were doing research that went beyond the boundaries of miso and soy sauce, using the values associated with a traditional brewery to help develop the industry as a whole.

I hadn’t tasted any of the ASTRONOMICA® products until I received a sample. However, the taste of the miso I tasted two years ago and the smell of the Viamver® yeast in the brewery gave me absolute confidence and peace of mind that the products would be delicious.

I’m very happy with the result. And these two product labels go hand in hand firmly at the root.

You can feel it in the terroir, as the chef says, and it also exudes from Takahashi-san’s attitude, who applied a piece of kimono from the back of the warehouse to the design of the ASTRONOMICA® label products.











Scraps from the warehouse


Marika Groen
Organizer of Malica ferments and researcher in Koji

While traveling around Europe and Japan, she shares the philosophy of Kojiology (Koji theory) as a philosophy for living, and is searching for a way to express and communicate from the senses. He teaches a wide range of people, from chefs to housewives, about fermentation and how to live with fermentation. Once a year, she organizes a tour of Japanese breweries and satoyama to take overseas students for training. During her stay in Japan, she travels around the country to visit breweries, learn about tradition, fermentation, and art, and brings the information back to Europe to spread the word. She is a mold artist and photographer.


Marika Groen
Malica ferments主催、麴学研究家

欧州と日本を中心に旅しながらKojiology (コージオロジー、麴学、あるいは麴論)を生きるための哲学として共有し、感覚からの表現、伝達手段を模索中。シェフから主婦まで幅広く糀・味噌・醤油などの発酵教室を行い、暮らしの中の発酵、発酵する生き方を伝える。年に一度は日本の蔵見学、里山ツアーなどを企画し海外の生徒を研修に連れて廻る。日本滞在時には蔵見学、伝統、発酵、アートをテーマに全国を移動し、落とし込んだ情報を欧州に持ち帰り伝達と浸透につとめる。黴アーティスト、カメラマン。